Monday, December 22, 2014

finding type

(1&2) This sketch book used both modern style and sans serif. It makes the book look professional and easy to read the description of the book.

(3) This Bible used Decoration as the typeface in order to make the book ore welcoming and appealing.

(4) Although this is not printed on the hat, the type face used to create the letter "R" is slab serif. This makes the "R" noticeable, easy to see, and make whatever the "R" is representing bold. 

(5) This science text book uses old style to appear professional, easy to ready, ad neat. This really works with the title because its meant to be an educational book.

(6) This print on the the laptop is modern. The type face makes the words easy to read and understand in order to have everyone understand who it belongs to.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

concept board

Elite Dance Team

Questions Asked: 

  • What is the purpose of this club?
  • What do people do in this club?
  • What inspired the club?
  • What do you believe best represents the club?
  • Why is the team called the Elite Dance Team?

The purpose of the Elite Dance Team is to bring together a group of people who enjoy and practice dancing. The team brings people who are different and contribute different things together in order to create unity. The people who are in this club contribute their ideas for choreography and performance, and help each other learn new dance moves. The inspiration for this club came from previous after-school dance clubs and the desire to continue practicing and coming up with new choreography. The club is best represented by teamwork, unity, hard work, dedication, and dancing. This team is called the Elite Dance Team because the best dancers come together and form a group of talented dancers who love to dance. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Harry Potter Logo

I am a fan of Harry Potter series. I like this logo because although its just the words Harry Potter, it shows to personality of the character by having his scar on the P and font seems like it belongs in a witch or wizard's book.

Coca-Cola Logo
I like this logo because the script font makes it appear soft which is what Coca-Cola is: a soft drink. Also I like fancy fonts.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My symbol is a tear drop for water. I made it so that that the water is coming out of a faucet and then splashed on the ground. 

The most frustrating part of this project was the fact that my entire project got deleted and I had to restart it. Fortunately I was able to do it all again in one day. From this experience I learned to always make sure everything I do is saved in multiple places to have a back ups. After completing this project I feel most confident with the brushes since I was able to draw out my symbol. I wish I was better at using the selection tool because I am not entirely sure what the purpose of the tool is and if I use it correctly. I would like to use Photoshop to edit photographs and create more gifs.  

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Graphic Design Example

I received this book in the mail from Pratt. The book provides information about the school and their programs. I think their cover is a good example of graphic design because its interesting and complex. At first i thought it was a bunch of squiggles creating the circle, but as I look closer I noticed that there were words, "Be true to your work." I thought it was quite creative and intriguing how they made the design actually be writing. It simple, but yet complex and pleasing to the eye.  

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I struggled a lot with choosing the materials to create my piece. I did not know how I was going to create the glowing heart monitor. Creating drafts helped me test different materials to use for my project.

Incomplete Design

I first tried to color the whole background black with marker and then color in the heart rate red. I wanted to make the M be the focal point and then fade it out. I realized that the marker did not look neat and clean. The M was not standing out the way I wanted. I decided that I wanted the whole thing to glow against the black. 


I decided to use a black construction paper as my background. I cut out the heart rate from a white piece of paper and glued it on to the black paper. I then colored around the heart rate with  red color pencil and blended it into the white and black. 
Since my name starts with the letter M, I wanted to use it for this project. Since an M is spiked I thought of things that are also spiked. Since a heart rate monitor goes up and down and I thought I could make an M out of the heart rate. I wanted it to look like a real heart monitor and how it glows on the screen.
The most challenging aspect of this project was making my design look like a heart monitor. I really wanted to give it that digital, glowing affect. I asked around for different ideas on how I can accomplish this. The materials I was using were not effectively portraying the design I had in mind. By looking at different images of a heart monitor, I realized that they are outlined by the color and inside are extremely bright, which looks  white. The black background helps the lighter areas appear brighter and like they are shinning. 
Overall, I am satisfied with this project. I was able to solve the challenges and incorporate my letter in my design. People complimented and appreciated my work, which made me feel proud of my final. Although it is a simple design, I believe it stands out.
However, something I would change about my design is adding a grid behind the letter to make it look more like a monitor and instead of the heart rate floating in nothing. This would make it look a bit more realistic.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Inspirations

I am really inspired by artists and their artworks. I am also inspired by people. Since I love drawing portraits a person's expressions or emotions inspire me to create new pieces. I enjoy learning and discovering new artists to learn from and get ideas from. Artists who inspire me are Jenny Saville, Antony Micallef, Lucian Frued, and Duarte Vitoria. Since they mainly work with people as their subjects, I enjoy looking at their artwork and I feel like I can relate to them.
 Here are examples of their work:

Duarte Vitoria
Jenny Saville 
Antony Micallef 
Lucian Frued

Sunday, September 21, 2014

My name is Miranda and I am really interested in art. I love creating new things and exploring different mediums. Art is a great way to express yourself and share your ideas with other people. I personally like portraiture and capturing a person's expression or emotion on paper. I want to continue studying art in college and learn all the ways I can contribute to the art world.